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“Failure to Launch” Syndrome

Are you struggling to transition to adulthood? Do you find yourself hanging out with friends instead of working or going to school?

Because of over-protective parenting, societal and economic changes, as well as technological advancements, today’s young adults are struggling with a phenomenon known as “Failure to Launch” syndrome. While not an actual diagnosis, Failure to Launch syndrome refers to young adults who have struggled or failed to transition into adulthood.

Young adults with this syndrome may lag behind their peers in completing schooling or maintaining employment. They may still live at home and spend an inordinate amount of time on social media or playing video games. If you are lacking confidence, have little to no work ethic and lacks goals or motivation, you may be suffering from Failure to Launch syndrome. Other symptoms include entitlement, social anxiety, low tolerance for stress, and failure to assume adult responsibilities.

If any of this resonates with what’s going on in your life…

  •   Fails to maintain employment or stay in school
  •   Anxious, depressed or lacks motivation
  • You need motivation to finish school or improve grades

… then individual therapy with a licensed professional counselor can help.

Therapy and structure can help young adults successfully transition into adulthood. Therapy can help identify underlying causes for the issues they struggle with, and find new and positive ways to cope with and overcome these difficulties.

If you are struggling with Failure to Launch syndrome, therapy can help to uncover the underlying causes of your worries and fears. I’m here to lend that helping hand and offer a warm and encouraging environment where you can speak candidly and receive care, compassion and guidance. Please be in touch. You don’t need to struggle alone.